29 March “ 1 April 2017Institute of the Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP), Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, ThailandThe main objective of the workshop was to develop lecturer skills and knowledge for teaching human rights at the undergraduate and graduate level. The four-day workshop was attended by 28 lecturers comprising of 26 from Southeast Asia (including member of AUN- HRE and SEAHRN) and 2 lecturers from Northeast Asia (Fudan University, China and National University of Mongolia).
The workshop divided into three main sessions namely:
- Human Rights Background covered key concept of international human rights law and its standard (Human rights fundamentals; Human rights and its protection in SEA; Economic, Social, Cultural Rights & Civil and Political Rights; Women Rights; International Law and Human Rights; and Political, Social, and Historical Contexts), as well as discuss on how to structure and teach a class on fundamental issues.
2. Teaching and Learning Methodologies provided skills in effective lecturing for human rights: class organization, presentation, lecturing, use of power points and other multimedia as well as learning activities/method for a human rights classroom
3. Teaching Human Rights included class plan preparation covered developing a basic syllabus, course plans, structuring classes-class outline, and example exercises or assessments.
The participants provided positive feedback about the workshop. They stated they were leaving with a better understanding on key concept of international human rights law and its standard and how to structure and teach a class on fundamental issues; develop a basic syllabus/course plans, in particular lecturing skills and learning activities/ methodologies for teaching human rights at the undergraduate and graduate level. They have recommended that to giving more time on teaching and learning methodologies.