Academic Partnerships and Public Advocacy

Human Rights Based Approach(HRBA) to Education and Development

21- 22 November 2017Souphanvoung UniversityLuangprabang, Lao PDR


The two-day seminar titled “Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to Education and Development” was Human Rights Based Approach(HRBA) to Education and  Developmentorganized by the Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLP) at National University of Laos (NUOL). The National Seminar was hosted by the Souphanvoung University in Luangprabang in Lao PDRA first of its kind seminar on human rights, the activity exposed academics and students of five faculties at the host university to among others, the human rights based approach to education and development.  The attending faculties included Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Letters, and Faculty of Forestry.A total of ten presentations were delivered by the Human Rights group from FLP-NUOL, two representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), and SEAHRN Co-Convenor, also member of the SHAPE-SEA Steering Committee.Two group activities were conducted “ one, to the gauge discuss the gender roles amongst students, and two, to gauge the internalization of the information presented at the National Seminar, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals.

Presentations were “

  • Introduction to Human Rights and FLP- NUOLs role in promoting Human Rights by Asst. Prof. Sengphet Outhay (Vice Dean of FLP and Rector of SU)
  • The scope, importance and necessity of HRBA by Lect. Vilay Langkavong
  • The Convention of the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) by Lect. Khonsavanh Vongvannaxay
  • Human Rights Education and how to teach human rights to students in Lao PDR by Lect. Bounmy Latsamyxay
  • The perceptions, attitudes and practice of Gender Equality at the National University of Laos by Ms. Silaka Onsy
  • Way forward of teaching Human rights at SU by Asst Prof Viengvilay Theingchanxay (Dean of FLP)
  • ASEAN and Human Rights, the implementation of Human Rights in Lao PDR and the domestic implementation of the Universal Periodic Review in Lao PDR by Ms. Vilayluck Seneduangdeth (MoFA “ Law and Treaty Department)
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Human Rights in Education and Development in Lao PDR by Ms. Sililar Siengsounthone (MoFa- Law and Treaty Department)
  • A little of Human Rights and Legal Research by Ms. Ngina Teresa V. Chan-Gonzaga (SEAHRN Co-Convenor and SHAPE-SEA Steering Committee Member) 

The National Seminar was attended by 99 participants on Day 1 and 91 participants on Day 2.

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