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Addressing Inequalities for Peace and Justice

28 April 2018Universiti Malaysia Sabah, SabahAddressing Inequalities for Peace and Justice was a two-day national seminar organized by the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.With a focus of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the seminar explored how more educators, researchers, policy makers and the NGO community can be made more aware on how human rights and peace education. Most especially in asserting for a role of the universities in the achievement of the SDGs.ObjectivesThe three main objectives were

  1. To increase the awareness of civil society groups and related government agencies in the work of various regional organizations such as the SEAHRN, ASEAN institutions and other groups in the achievement of human rights and peace education as an important development for the Southeast Asian region.
  2. To build a platform in which the academe, government, NGOs, international organizations and other groups relevant to human rights work in Malaysia can work together.
  3. To strengthen the knowledge capacity of teachers, leaders and practitioners on human rights and peace education.

Activity Forum and SubstanceThe keynote address was delivered by Mr. Edmund Bon Tai Soon, Malaysian Representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR).There were four panels:

  1. Reducing Inequalities (SDG 10) and the Vulnerable Groups with speakers Mr. Dominik Urban, Head of Delegation International Committee of Red Cross, Malaysia; Prof Dr. Junaeanah Sulehan, Director, Borneo Studies Institue, Universiti College Sabah Foundation, Ms. Marilou Chin, Founder, Stairway to Hope Alternative Learning Centre, and Discussant Dr Ayesah Uy Abubakar.
  2. Gender Inequality (SDG 5) with speakers Winnie Yee, President Sabah Womens Action-Resource Group; Hajah Baiyah Ag Mahmon, Institute for Development Studies Sabah; Prof. Dato Dr. Rashidah Shuib, Former Director, Centre for Research on Women and Gender, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Discussant Dr. Kavitha a/p Ganesan.
  3. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16) with speakers Datuk Godfrey Gregory Joitol, Commissioner, SUHAKAM; Mr. Peter Lee Kong Chung, Sabah Law Society;  and Discussant: Prof. Madya Dr. Lai Yew Meng.
  4. A Special SEARHN Panel on Academic Freedom was organized on day 2.

The National Seminar was attended by approximately 200 people representing the academe (lecturers, researchers and students), members from the civil society organizations, and media.Media links:

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