
Rethinking Citizen Election Monitoring: A Means for Public Engagement in Political Processes and Civic Education in Indonesia

Rethinking Citizens Election Monitoring: A Means for Public  Engagement in Political Processes and Civic Education in IndonesiaCivic engagement in electoral politics in Indonesia faces many challenges, including the lack of capacity among organizations working on these issues, public and technocratic preferences for a top-down approach to reform, and an overall lack of interest among citizens. However, the case of the Independent Committee for Election Monitoring (KIPP) has historically played an important role in election monitoring and engaging civil society in participatory networks during Suhartos government, but its activities have since declined. In order to buffer against the decline of democracy in Indonesia, the author argues that organizations that KIPP must be supported and strengthened as they adapt to modern circumstances and democratic challenges.

Researcher: Chompunut Chalieobun


Topic: Political Process

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