Calls & Opportunities News and Event Research Grants

SUMERNET 4 All: Call for EOIs on Joint Action and Call for proposals on Small Grants (Closed)

SHAPE-SEA is happy to share our partner, SEI-Asia’s upcoming programmes.

  1. The Joint Action (JA) Grant is intended to support projects that can create impact by applying existing evidence-based research or innovation in practice. Grants will support a consortium of researchers and their boundary partners from the Mekong Region, not for conducting normal research but for applying existing research or innovations for creating more impact on policy or practice in reducing water insecurity for all. The total funds available for this round is 900,000 SEK for 2 projects led by the applicants from Lao PDR, Cambodia, or Myanmar for projects with a duration of 1.5-2 years. The project budget shall not exceed approximately US$ 45,000 per project (SEK 450,000 per project). The total project funds can cover activities within one country. The activities in other countries could be covered if they are necessary in order to achieve the impact in targeted country.
  2. The Small Grant is intended to support SUMERNET members and other partners in conducting various activities that improve the influence of SUMERNET research through defined activities listed in the detailed call. The budget ceiling for each grant is between approximately US$ 3,000-5,000 USD/grant (SEK 30,000-50,000). 6-10 applications are expected to receive the grants in this round. Funds need to be spent within a period of 6 months. Recipients of current SUMERNET grants are eligible to apply if proposed activities are not already covered by other grants of SUMERNET.

For full information, check SUMERNET 4 ALL website.If you are interested to apply, please refer to the application process in the respective call. The Secretariat accepts only online submissions at and opens for submissions until 30 September 2020. Should you have further inquiries, please feel free to direct them to myself or my colleague Unchulee Lualon (

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