COVID-19 News and Event

Webinar: œThinking About Data: Measuring & Assessing ASEAN Responses to COVID-19.

The Miriam College Department of International Studies invites you to a Zoom webinar on Thinking About Data: Measuring & Assessing ASEANs Responses to COVID-19. It will be held on November 26, 2020, 3:00-5:00 PM (Manila Time). Abstract: This webinar will look at data from the global ranking of ASEAN responses to COVID-19 to show that a) pre-Covid-19 conditions play a significant role in preventing the spread of Covid-19, and b) high-income levels or the state of the public health system are necessary, but not sufficient in mitigating the detrimental effects of COVID-19. Using data from global rankings of responses such as Oxford Universitys COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) and visualizing the data through Cobweb Chart and, this webinar will focus on assessing variables and determinants to show why some ASEAN countries were more successful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 than economically advanced economies.To learn more about the topic, register here: 

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