Calls & Opportunities Education News and Event

(Deadline Extended) AUN-HRE: Call for submission of short videos on the theme LIVING TOGETHER: majority-minority relationships in South East Asia

The ASEAN University Network-Human Rights Education (AUN-HRE) in cooperation with the Inclusive Citizenship project is proud to announce the first short video competition on the theme LIVING TOGETHER: Majority-Minority Relationships with the objective of raising awareness about the human rights of minorities, focusing on the majority-minority relationships within diverse societies in South East Asian countries.

Duration: 2 – 3 minutes
Language: English or any South East Asian language with subtitles in English.
Video format: 1920 x 1080 MP4 or MOV file
DSLR camera/Mobile phone with both Android/IOS platforms can be used to make the video

WHO CAN JOIN? Southeast Asian undergraduate students who are enrolled in Southeast Asian higher education institutionsPRIZES AND OPPORTUNITIESFirst prize         USD 1000Second prize     USD 500Third prize        USD 300All winning videos will be selected for the international launch on 7th December as part of a GLOBAL online short film festival organized by the Inclusive Citizenship project ( in Norway.DEADLINE for submission extended to: 15 November 2021Know more and submit your video more details.

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