ONLINE WORKSHOP: between 19“30 September 2022 (10 Days)
ASEAN University Network-Human Rights Education (AUN-HRE) in cooperation with the Research and Education for Peace (REPUSM), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP), Mahidol University and Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research and Education in ASEAN/ Southeast Asia (SHAPE-SEA) with support of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights at the University of Oslo are pleased to announce the call for participants for the Sixth Annual Lecturer Workshop on Teaching Human Rights/Peace: Developing Knowledge and Skills on Peace and Transformative Peacebuilding. This online workshop aims to develop lecturer knowledge and skills for teaching peace and transformative peacebuilding (which linkage to human rights) at the undergraduate and graduate level.The objectives are:
- Build and strengthen knowledge on theories and concepts of peace, conflict, violence;
- Establish links between human rights and peace;
- Develop skills for teaching peace in the university as well as methods of assessment and evaluation of students;
- Introduce lecturers to textbooks and other resources for teaching peace and/or human rights;
Feedback from previous participants show a very high level of satisfaction, for example, the 2021 online lecturer workshop on teaching peace and transformative peacebuilding.
I have learnt the different strategies of resolving conflicts in Southeast Asia. More so, I have gained more knowledge on peace education that I can pass on to my students.
Though it is virtual, I found the lectures done in a down to earth approach. Topics / Concepts are easy to grasp.
WORKSHOP MODULEThe workshop shall be conducted into two modules:
- Module 1 will be covering a wide range of topics including concepts and theories of peace and conflict, peace in practice “ conflict transformation- peacebuilding, peace process, as well as critical perspectives for human rights and peace/conflict – gender “ links between development and peace/conflicts.
- Module 2 will be covering practical/teaching skills for those who are teaching or are interested in or preparing to teach peace at the university level including developing a basic syllabus, course plans, class outline, and example exercises or assessments.
WHO CAN APPLY?The workshop is open to Southeast Asian lecturers or teaching assistants who are(1) affiliated with a Southeast Asian University,(2) who are currently teaching, or are planning to teach peace and/or transformative peacebuilding and/or human rights in the near future.SELECTION CRITERIAThe selection criteria will focus on who are currently teaching or plan to teach peace and/or transformative peacebuilding and/or human rights in the near future with
- An active teaching records;
- Good English speaking, listening and writing skills;
- Gender balance, however we strongly encourage women and members of LGBTIQ communities to apply;
- Be able to commit to attend the full programme of the course.
HOW TO APPLY?Each applicant must have:
- Completed the online application form
- Uploaded their Curriculum Vitae (maximum two pages). It must include the following information.
- What is your teaching experience with PEACE, conflict and related areas? (List courses you have taught in the last 5 years (Year___, course title____, the type of course _____)
- If you have not had teaching experience, do you or your institution plan to introduce any peace course(s) or program, please specify.
- What is your area of academic interest?
- What is your English proficiency?
- Have you participated in any other programs/workshops on peace and/or related areas in the last 5 years?
- Uploaded an endorsement letter from your institution/university. The letter should explain how the applicants participation in the program fits into the School/Faculty/University priorities and activities. (maximum one page)
Please note that all applications are subject to a competitive selection process.KEY DATES
Call for Applications: | 27 July “ 30 August 2022 |
Deadline for Submission: | 30 August 2022 (23:59 GMT+7 Bangkok Time) |
EXTENDED Deadline for Submission until: | 5 September 2022 |
Notify of Acceptance: | 9 September 2022 |
The 6th Regional Lecturer Workshop: | 19-30 September 2022 |
For enquiries, please contact Dr. Kalpalata Dutta <> and/or <>View the Call for Applications in PDF format.