
The Research Committee

The work of the Research Grants Committee includes the Research Grants Program, Academic Research Training for Grant recipients and Academic Research Training for non-grantees.RESEARCH GRANTSOne of the main objectives of the program is to increase the number of people able to research, and the number of research products, on peace and human rights from SEA universities by 2018. A total of 40 Research Grants have been granted so far. Research Grants for 2018 are under consideration by the Selection CommitteeThe final papers will be edited and published on the SHAPE-SEA website, and may be published in one of SHAPE-SEAs publications, a stand-alone publication, or a third party publication as long as this meets the requirements for publication set by the research program.See Research Grants projects: UpdatingRESEARCH TRAININGResearchers from each project are required to undertake the research workshop prior to beginning the research projects.Three Academic Research Grants Training have been conducted.

  1. Academic Research Grants Training 2015
  2. Academic Research Grants Training 2016
  3. Academic Research Grants Training 2017

In addition, the Research Committee has conducted Academic Research Training for non-grantees to build capacities of researchers and scholars in Southeast Asia to strengthen the quality of research in the region. The main participants have been graduate students, emerging academics, and human rights and peace researchers who are  interested in research in the region.

  1. Academic Research Training, Cambodia, June 2016
  2. Academic Research Training, Timor Leste, April 2017
  3. Academic Research Training in Mahasarakham, June 2017

About the author
